
#12 Main Navigation (Anchors)

In this article we are going to create the main anchor tags for our top navigation bar. Once they are defined we will of course apply some styling to make them fit in with the overall feel of our header. Probably the most important step of the this process is we will mimic the mixin ability of templating languages like pug to allow us to write the markup for the anchors once and have them displayed in different locations. This will be important for us since we are working to create a responsive navigation bar that will work with any form factor from desktop to mobile.

Any good app needs icons

  • WebUi
    • package.json

The first thing we are going to do is to add the ability for us to add icons to our main navigation by installing a couple of fontawesome npm packages using the command shown in (a). The version numbers for these packages at the time of the writing of this article are shown in (b).


npm install --save-dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
(a) Command used to install the two font awesome packages that we need for our main navigation.


  "devDependencies": {
    "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons": "^5.5.0",
    "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^1.2.8",
(b) The version number of the font awesome packages at the time of the writing of this article.

Adding the icons to the page

  • WebUi
    • Source

The way that font awesome works is we will place some tags on our pages with the appropriate css classes and they will get parsed and replaced by their svg counterparts. To do this we need to add just a little bit of javascript to our pages. To make things a bit simpler on us we will include the javascript code in each of our pages by adding it to our main bundle (c).

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && {;

import { dom, library } from "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core";
import { faBars } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faBars";

(c) By adding this bit of code we can now display the font awesome bars icon within any of our pages.

The main navigation anchors

  • WebUi
    • Pages
      • Shared
        • _MainNav.cshtml

Next it is time to add some anchor tags to our main navigation which will allow our users to easily access the main content of our site (d). In the end we will want to have these anchors placed in both the main and mobile navigation areas. We could of course just copy and paste them but where is the fun in that. But for now we will just hard code them here so that we have something to style.


    const string cssLinkAnchor = "link-anchor";
    const string cssLinkText = "link-text";

    <nav class="main-navigation">
        <div class="anchors">
            <ul class="anchors-lg">
                <li class="link">
                    <a href="/articles/page-1" class="@cssLinkAnchor">
                        <div class="@cssLinkText">
                <li class="link">
                    <a href="/applications/page-1" class="@cssLinkAnchor">
                        <div class="@cssLinkText">
            <div class="anchor-bars">
                <a id="mobile-toggle">
                    <div class="@cssLinkText">
                        <i class="fas fa-bars fa-lg"></i>
(d) Adding some anchor tags to our navigation so that we can see the form that they should take which allows us to do some styling.

Speaking of styling

  • WebUi
    • Source
      • components
        • main-nav
          • main-nav.component.scss

With the anchors added to the navigation menu we can now add some styling (e).


header {
    ul {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row;
        height: 100%;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

    li {
        height: 100%;
    .main-navigation {
        grid-template-areas: "logo anchors";
        grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
        @include media-gt($mobile-break-width) {
            grid-template-areas: "logo anchors";
            grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
    .anchors {
        grid-area: anchors;

        .anchors-lg {
            display: none;

            @include media-gt($mobile-break-width) {
                display: flex;

        .anchor-bars {
            height: 100%;

            @include media-gt($mobile-break-width) {
                display: none;

            a {
                @include padding(null em(16px));
                cursor: pointer;
(e) The css styling for our main navigation anchors.

Mimicking the mixin capability of pug

  • WebUi
    • Pages
      • Shared
        • _MainNav.cshtml

As I mentioned previously we are going to want to have the same anchor tags placed in two different locations and that we could just copy and paste them but that was not what we were going to do. Initially I created the header and main navigation in angular which meant that I could write the markup in a templating language which for this instance was pug. When the template was written in pug I could just create a few mixins to have the ability to write once and place the same content in multiple different locations. In this case using the fact that we have access to razor syntax we can accomplish pretty much the same thing using a few local functions (f).


@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html

    var LinkText = new Func<string, string>((text) => $"<div class=\"{cssLinkText}\"><span>{text}</span></div>");
    var Anchor = new Func<string, string, string>((href, block) => $"<a href=\"{href}\" class=\"{cssLinkAnchor}\">{block}</a>");
    var Li = new Func<string, string>((block) => $"<li class=\"link\">{block}</li>");

    var Articles = Html.Raw(Li(Anchor("/articles/page-1", LinkText("Articles"))));
    var Applications = Html.Raw(Li(Anchor("/applications/page-1", LinkText("Applications"))));
    var Videos = Html.Raw(Li($"<a class=\"{cssLinkAnchor}\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Videos</a>"));

header {
    <div class="anchors">
        <ul class="anchors-lg">
(f) Using local functions we can have the ability to define our anchors once and place them in several different locations.
Exciton Interactive LLC