Asp.Net Core, Angular and Webpack
This series is designed to be an ongoing effort to demonstrate how we approach the construction of
an Asp.Net Core web application using many different technologies the chief among them being Angular Js
and Webpack. It of course goes without saying that we must start the series using particular versions
of the underlying technologies but as they evolve and mature we will continue to update this series so
that our application matures along with them. You can also rest assured that this will not be just another
silly and useless tutorial on how to create a 'todo' app, which we hope will be evident from the very
beginning of the series.

#30 Setting Up the User Database
In this article we will define what an application user is and use it to further define an application database context.
We will then specify a connection string for a LocalDB database and use it to add database access to our application
services. Once we have access we will use Entity Framework's code first commands to define and create the tables that
we require. Finally we will test everything out by creating our first user using our authenticator's regsiter

#29 Defining a Canonical Url
In this article we will start by enabling ssl for our application. With that done we will define the
requirements for a canonical url and enforce its usage by creating a canonical url middleware that we
will add to the mvc pipeline. When that is working we will add the ability to redirect a user to a
different page using our authenticator component. Finally we will make a few updates to the template,
styling, and behaviour of our authenticator.

#28 Multiple Razor Page Request Handlers
In this article we will create the end points for the user to be able to register and submit
a request when/if they forgot the password/username. In order to do this we will be confronted
with a problem when trying to post back to a razor page that is not the origin of the
request. To solve this problem we add multiple get/post handlers to our razor pages and see
how we can tell the server which handler we are trying to reach.

#27 Finishing the Send Screen
In this video we will add and animate a timer svg element to our send screen that will indicate to the user when the screen will
be hidden or an action will be taken. We will also add a new svg element that will be used when the server responds with a
success status code. We will end by adding a background element whose background color we will animate to indicate whether the
current request was successful or not.

#26 Animating the Stroke Dashoffset
In this article we will add a message and svg element to our send screen component. The send screen will display a default message
whenever the it is animated into view in response to the user clicking the send button and we will animate the changing of that
message once a response is received from the server. We will also animate one or more svg elements along with the updating of the
message. For the svg elements we will be animating a property name the stroke dashoffset which will result in it appearing that we
are actually drawing them on the screen. When we are done with this article we will be able to respond to an error from the server
if the user is attempting to login. In subsequent articles we will deal with the rest of the communication possibilities from the server.

#25 Send Screen as a ViewChild
In this article we will create a child component of our authenticator that I will call the send screen. The send screen
is our way of telling the user that we have sent a request to the server and we are now waiting for a response. We will
also us it to be the first indication of whether or not the request was successful. In addition to creating the send screen
we will also create the show and hide animations for it as well.

#24 Adding the Forgot Link Behaviour
In this article we focus on adding the behaviour to our interface when the user clicks on either the forgot username or
forgot password links. At this point the only thing that happens is our inputs container animates out and back in. What
we also need to have happen is the appropriate controls need to be hidden and shown when it animates out so that it is
ready to use when it animates back in. We will also add reset functionality so that if the user clicks the reset button
all of the controls are set to their original values and returned to a pristine state.

#23 Finish Animating the Control Groups
In this article we will finish the process of animating our control groups. This will require us to define and then implement
the control flow that we want when the user clicks on the group buttons or uses the keyboard to navigate our interface.

#22 Start Animating the Control Groups
In this article we will truly begin the processing of animating our control groups. By the time we are done with this article we will
have defined the animation keyframes for both showing and hiding the groups from both the left and right of the inputs container. We
will also have begun writing the code that will cause the animations to play in response to input from the user. We will then finish
up the animation process in the following article.

#21 Hiding the Control Groups
In this article we will focus on adding the ability to hide control groups when we wish to but during the process
we will identify an issue with our input pages which will require us to modify how we are hiding them as well. We
will also hide the forgot links when the user is registering, add a little bit of styling and finsih up with
adding the ability to reset our form when the user presses the reset button.

#20 Processing the ModelState Errors
In this article we take the model state errors that we are receiving from the server and display them to the user. On the default
info screen we will display the names of any controls that have an error and when the user focuses a particular control we
will display that controls errors. Once that is complete we will configure our component to only allow sending a request to
the server once the form is in a valid state. Lastly we will configure the validation for our controls to only run when

#19 Sending ModelState Errors from the Server
In this article we create the ability for us to perform a post request to the server. Once that is done
we will focus on using the model state property to determine if the request sent to the server is in
a valid state. If it is not we will return a bad request to the client and we will set up automatic
processing of the errors using our base http service.

#18 Finish Animating the Info Pages
In this article we pick up where we left off and finish the animation of our info pages. By the time
we finish this article the pages will be hidden and only shown one by one depending on which control
has focus. If no control has focus we will show the default page. Once the info pages are complete we
will modify the need to login and need to register anchors to only be displayed one at a time
depending on whether the user is attempting to login or register. We will also set their href
attribute so they behave correctly when clicked.

#17 Start Animating the Info Pages
In this article we will begin the process of animating the info pages of our component's user interface. An info page is
simple the information that is shown when a user focuses a particular input. The information displayed is mainly the
validators for that particular input but in the future it will also contain the errors, if any, related to that input that have
been returned by the server. By the time we are done with this article we will be able to play a show animation for the
corresponding info page when an input is focused and play a hide animation when the focus is removed.

#16 Using the Keyboard to Navigate
In this article we will build on the work that we did in the previous article and start the process of
configuring our component to respond to keyboard navigation inputs. We will do this by using our
access to the DOM elements that make up the control groups to focus the appropriate elements within them.
By the end of the article we will be able to cycle through all of the inputs using the 'Enter',
'Tab' and 'Shift' keys. In a future article we will fine tune this process.

#15 We Need Access to the DOM
In this article we will create three additional class that we will use when we want to interact with the
DOM elements that make up our form control groups. We will use this class to enable us to do everything
from focus an input, perform animations and respond to keyboard navigation.

#14 All About the Username
In this article we will use the response from the server, that we setup in a previous article, telling us whether a username
is available or not to style the username input and button as well show the correct icon for the unique validator.

#13 Preventing Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks
There are of course plenty of different attack vectors against any web application. In this article we will try to
eliminate one of them called cross-site request forgery (CSRF). This attack happens when a user is logged in to
our application and visits a malicious site which then sends a request back to our application. The fundamental way
that we will deal with this type of attack is to require each request to contain a token that we can use to make
sure that any request that comes into our application also originated from our application..

#12 We Need to Talk to the Server
In this article we will create the ability for our component to communicate with the server. In order to do
this we will first create a base http service class that all services that need to communicate with the server
will inherit from. Once this is done we will create a http service specific for our component that inherits
from the base service. Along the way we will hopefully reduce the size of our vendor bundle a small amount
by changing the way we import rxjs.

#11 Hot Module Replacement
I am pretty sure we can all agree that automating the process of web development as much as possible
is a good thing. We have already seen how to, and in fact are using, npm to automate the process of
updating our bundles automatically when a file is saved. In order to see any changes that we make we
unfortunately must manually refresh the browser after a bundle is updated. That was at least until now.
Once we have completed this article we will be using webpack's ability to automatically update a
bundle within the browser without us having to refresh using what is known as hot module replacement (HMR).

#10 Our Inputs and Buttons Need More Color
In this article we will add the ability for our inputs and buttons to update their appearance based on the underlying state
of our typescript class by applying css classes. Although the situation is a bit more complicated than the icons for our
validators we will use the same approach where we bind a class property on our template to methods in our typescript

#9 Animating the Sub-Actions
In this article we will create the animation that will cause our inputs container to move out of view when a user clicks the forgot username or
forgot password links and then it will animate back into view. In future articles we will hide/show the appropriate
inputs in our interface while the container is hidden off screen before it animates back into view.

#8 More Form Validation
In the previous article we started laying the ground work for creating the custom form validators that we need for our component. In
that article we did in fact create our first validator for min length. In this article we will create the rest of the validators that
we need as well as create a function that will allow us to compose them all together for inputs that require more than one validator.

#7 Let's Add Some Validation
In this article we will update our component's template so that we can change the icon for our validators as the user types in the
inputs causing their state to change. Although angular comes with several built in validator functions they do not contain all of the
functionality that we require, and in terms of the min length validator do not behave as we would want it to, so we will create our first
custom validator and apply it to the username input.